We accept applications from eligible adults, including pastors, youth leaders, parents, college students, and those who were personally impacted by OYM Summer Camp and want to give back.
Two main groups of Camp Staff make camp happen:
Support Staff: Serve as room leaders and lead our campers throughout the week's activities. Support Staff room assignments are typically made based on church groups with a leader from the same church as the campers, but this is not always the case and cannot be guaranteed. Please continue reading for eligibility and requirements below.
Program Staff: These are not room leaders and serve in other capacities to help make Summer Camp the best week of the year!
S.U.M.O.: Setter Up and Mover of Objects. You are the heart and soul of how games run!
Audio/Visual Team: Help run media for the meetings and services and help set up sound equipment on the field.
Health Officer: Cares for minor injuries and distributes camp medication safely. Must be a certified RN, LPN, or EMT.
Security: Help keep students in a safe and fun environment!
Every Support & Program Staff is required to attend a mandatory training session the Sunday before the start of camp. If you cannot attend this meeting, your acceptance will be denied.
All Support Staff must be at least 20 years or older to volunteer. No exceptions.
To apply to be Support Staff, you will need to:
Complete the application below, where you must provide 1 non-relation reference & 1 pastoral reference.
Submit a background check. Once you complete your application, the link to do so will be sent to the email you put on your application.
Watch mandatory training videos sent to you prior to camp.
Pay the application fee of $75 per week you attend. This fee covers your background check, meals, and housing for the week. You can pay online with a credit card when you complete your application or mail a check to the address below with the CAMP & YOUR NAME in the memo:
Ohio Ministry Network
Attn: OYM Camp
8405 Pulsar Place
Columbus, OH 43240
At OYM Summer Camp, every group needs to provide one adult as Support Staff for every 11 students of the same gender. If there are more leaders than your group needs, you will not be guaranteed to be placed in your church group. Priority for acceptance is given to the group's main youth pastor/leader.
Only completed and paid applications will be considered for acceptance.
Walk-on staff will not be accepted.
Applications received before May 1st can assume acceptance as long as their references and background checks do not create a cause for concern.
If you apply and the camp is already filled, you will be contacted and placed on a waiting list. If there is a cancellation, the spot will be filled from the waiting list in the order in which they were received.
Formal acceptance correspondence will be sent out in May from either the Camp Director for your week or Ohio Youth Ministries.
You must complete the background check on your own. Once you complete the Support Staff application, you will receive an email with the link to do so.
Now you know the requirements and how to be accepted, apply to be camp staff during the best week of the year! We can’t do this without you!
Apply to be Support Staff (room leader):
Apply to be Program Staff: