Contact your local church's pastor/group leader BEFORE REGISTERING to find out what your Church ID code is.
This code is required if you are attending OYM Summer Camp with a church group and wish for your student to be housed with his/her church or included in their group at camp.
We have switched to a more user-friendly registration site called UltraCamp. Once you have your Church ID code, please watch this tutorial video on how to complete the camp registration process.
When you register your camper, you must pay a $50 non-refundable deposit. This will ensure your student is locked in and will not lose his or her spot. All credit card payments incur a processing fee. We encourage the use of ACH debits to avoid these fees.
Heart for Ohio participating churches receive a $25 discount per camper. If this applies to you, you should receive an additional discount code from your local church. Click here to see if your church is a qualifying church.
All registration is done online via UltraCamp. We encourage you to use a desktop computer, but it is not required.
Before starting, you will need your medical insurance and camper medication information ready.
The registration process may take up to 30 minutes to complete.
For more information about OYM Summer Camp like a packing list, Camp Bank, etc…, please see below.
A Camp Bank exists so campers can avoid accidental loss of their money. It also allows parents to provide money for their child to spend on items such as snacks and merch and for students to purchase such items with a cashless system.
Campers are not required to deposit their cash into the Camp Bank but are encouraged to do so on Monday during check-in.
Parents are also able to add money to their camper’s account via CampWise before and while their student is at camp.
Any remaining cash balance can be cashed out from the bank on the Friday morning before leaving camp.
Money not picked up from the Camp Bank on that Friday will be donated to Speed the Light.
During camp, we pray every night before service and receive an offering for our student-led missions initiative, Speed the Light. STL provides vehicles, equipment, and compassion resources for our Ohio missionaries to share the gospel around the world!
Our goal is that every student and leader hear from God and give sacrificially. During the 4 weeks of Summer Camp, if every student and leader brought at least $20 to donate, we could raise over $40,000 for Speed the Light! We ask that you consider sending your student with money to give during this time.
We provide a document called “What to Expect. " We encourage you to download it and share it with your students. This document includes a packing list, tentative schedule, emergency contact numbers, and more.
A fund is in place to receive donations to help students with a financial need to attend camp. To request financial assistance, complete the Summer Camp Financial Aid Application below and submit it to Ohio Youth Ministries by May 1, 2024, to be considered. Financial Assistance is granted based on the availability of funds.
To donate to the Summer Camp scholarship fund, make your check payable to Ohio Ministry Network and mail it to Ohio Youth Ministries – Camp Scholarship, 8405 Pulsar Place, Columbus, Ohio 43240 or email camp@ohioministry.net
For the answers to some Frequently Asked Questions, please return to our main Summer Camp page.